EKOPROTEKTING COPPER is a liquid fertilizer for crops with fungicidal and bactericidal properties, that acts as a corrector for copper deficiencies. It also prevents and corrects copper uptake imbalances and deficiencies.

Role of copper in crops
Copper is a microelement that is involved in the formation of cell walls, in photosynthesis, in the process of fixing atmospheric nitrogen and in the metabolism of sugars in the plant.
Why is copper useful in plants? Copper has a preventive action and acts as a natural fungicide against some diseases caused by pathogenic fungi that affect the vegetation and the fruits of different crops.
EKOPROTEKTING COPPER prevents and corrects copper deficiency states in crops.
EKOPROTEKTING COPPER also helps fight diseases of fungal or bacterial origin, as it activates enzymes that help in the formation of chlorophyll. This allows for better use of proteins by the plant.
In summary, EKOPROTEKTING COPPER favors optimal plant growth as it protects crops from pests.
Product details
When should you use EKOPROTEKTING COPPER?
EKOPROTEKTING COPPER is recommended in periods of germination, early and intensive vegetative growth.
EKOPROTEKTING COPPER is especially useful when situations occur that can adversely affect crop development.
Mode of application
Copper-based product developed for use in horticulture, fruits, ornamentals, citrus, tropical and extensive farming.
Fertilizing irrigation or foliar application are the recommended application methods.
The product is available in different packaging sizes: 0.25, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20, 200 and 1,000 liters.